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  • The Parallax FX Loop Module is a powerful one-stop-shop designed to fulfill your pedal requirements. After easy insertion into your Punchplate FX amp, the Parallax FX Loop Module is equipped with features that ensure you can nail your echo/reverb/delay tone wish-list. 


    Free plans of the 'PUNCHPLATE FX' can be found on the PUNCHPLATE page.


    The FX MV pot of the Parallax FX Loop Module enables you to reach volume parity (and beyond) with your amp dry tone. Pull the FX MV pot to bypass the loop; push to engage. The FX Gain pot possesses abundant firepire; saturating anything you can throw at it, even on a dialed-down clean channel.


    Run any pedal out there with the built-in Phase-Invert switch. Numerous pedals invert phase at their output jeopardizing optimal tube amp/pedal mix symmetry in a normal parallel FX setup. However the Parallax, with either the pull or push of the Phase-Invert switch, caters to any pedal whether in-phase or inverted. As a bonus, phase cancellation sometimes can be pleasing. The Parallax FX Loop Module permits you to fill your boots either way.


    Unlike just about all other amp layout geometries, the Parallax FX Loop Module is located on the front panel. In addition to promoting easy access to both knob-fiddling and jack-ramming, a front panel mount keeps signal cables short, warranting the lowest level of unwanted noise. 


    The Parallax FX Loop Module is assembled upon lead-free PCB using lead-free solder and includes free shipping for a limited time. The Parallax FX Loop Module is 100% guaranteed against manufacturer faults. If something goes haywire, for whatever reason, let me know we shall work it out.

    Parallax FX Loop Module

    • You've beavered away passionately to build a worthy tube amp and the last thing you want is to contaminate it with sub-quality parts. Hence considerable effort has been invested into populating the Parallax FX Loop Module with quality components. Included in the Loop, for example, are Nichicon film and electrolytic capacitors (JP), Dale and Ohmite resistors (USA, MX), Cliff jacks (UK), both Staubli (DE) and Mogami (JP) cables, and Mill Max opamp sockets (USA).

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